Saturday, 1 March 2014

Construction, Construction!

Construction, Construction!

As we near the beginning of our renovations it seemed prudent that we review some of the changes that have occurred thus far this year at Parkview with regards to our physical plant.
  • We have cleaned up the school, staff have removed a great deal of clutter and we have recycled old books, desks, appliances and furniture.
  • The school halls have been painted
  • Classroom sinks and cupboards have been repaired
  • Classroom doors have been painted
  • Our staff utility area has been deep cleaned
  • Wooden cabinets and other objects in the halls that constituted a fire risk have been removed
  • Our old Kitchenette has been gutted to provide us with our first gym storage room 
  • Fire exits have been cleared and cleaned out
  • We have an additional set of hooks now placed in the hall for our junior students (this has made a huge difference)
  • Over March Break the portables will be deep cleaned
  • Our computer lab has been disbanded and now classes have additional computers available for daily student use 
  • 25 security cameras have been installed in the hallways and outside of the school to reduce vandalism.