Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Some Finishing Touches.

As you know we are almost finished all the final bits and pieces of the renovation here at Parkview. The school is really starting to look great. 
The one unfinished part is the Kindergarten play area. Today we were given the timelines for the repair and regeneration of this play area.
Starting this Thursday the west side of the school will be closed for foot traffic for about a week. This is due to the fact that there will be machinery and screening stored in that area so that we do not have to take up any more of the school wide play area than is necessary.
Nobody will be able to walk through this area for about a week. 

This will allow the company to put in drainage that will run from the middle of the primary/Junior playground (at the north end of the new building extension) to the Kindergarten area and back.

This process will begin with a 20 foot wide fenced area being constructed at the north end of the building on this Thursday and Friday where they will dig a trench and add drainage pipes to connect with a sewer. Men and machines will work in this area for those two days.  

 Then the fenced area will move between the play area and the K area diagonally across the hard top.

To the gate at the K area. This will go on for Monday and Tuesday next week.

Finally they will connect it all up in the Kindergarten area. The new hardtop surfacing will be replaced and it the weather holds, we could have sod down.

The west side of the school will be closed from this Thursday until further notice. We are hoping to have our Kindergarten students back in their enclosure soon. 

The baseball diamond on the north east side of the school will also be remediated during this process. 

Thank you for your patience during this final push to completion.