As we are moving closer to our music night on May 29th, the music of workers busily building around the Parkview site continues.
As you see we now have two foundations outlined with concrete forms and the sand and gravel has been compacted so that they will be ready to pour the concrete pads upon which they will be building.
Along the west side of the building, we also now have concrete forms poured and the compacting is happening there. Due to the compacting noise, Ms. O'Yadi's Kindergareten class will be operating from the temporary library at the end of the hallway for the next couple of days. We have been told that this level of noise should subside after this week.
Once that is done, there will be some masonry work started, the concrete will be poured to form the floor and the exterior wall of the old classrooms will be removed. We will start to see more evident change at that time.
Over the next six weeks we will be working together with our construction crews to ensure that our school year concludes in an exciting and positive manner. We will also be making sure that our students are also able to observe and learn from the exciting work that is going on outside of our classrooms.