The gate that will allow students and parents to travel from the rear yard to the Kindergarten area was completed:
You may now enter the yard through this gate. As before, please close it behind you if school is in session.
The construction zone in the Kindergarten area has now been cordoned off by a long span of fencing from the old Kindergarten school entrance to the rear hardtop. There seems to be plenty of space left for our students to run and play.
As you can see the trees behind the fence will be removed (4 are beetle infested and two would not have survived the construction) and after the construction is completed 8 similar sized trees will be replanted to replace them throughout the yard.
The old Kindergarten exit has been closed off and the windows on the construction side of the building will boarded up to ensure the safety of the glass and our students in the classroom while the construction occurs. Not all windows will be covered, just the windows in the construction area.
Again Mr. Prince and myself would like to thank all of our families for their flexibility and support during our construction. Thanks also to our staff and the construction workers who have been working together to keep our students safe and learning.